Bleu Royale Rattery

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Adoption And Mailing List

Please fill out this form if you are interested in adopting rats from me

Full Name
Age (if under 18 please give me your parents info, I can't arrange adoptions with a minor)
Where do you live?
Phone Number with area code, we do like to call to talk to potentional adopters
Email Address
What litter do you want to be put on the waiting list for?
Are you on the wait list for another rattery's litter?
Are you planning on breeding your rats?Yes
Do you have any rats at home?Yes
If yes, what gender?
We no longer advocate spaying and neutering our rats due to so many deaths. We urge our adopters not to do so. Please check this box that you have read this
How did you hear about us?
Our rats will be given a health exam in front of you at adoption, your baby will be given a 2 week health guarantee. After 2 weeks OR if improper care is given, OR if the baby is introduced to other rats in that time frame, the health guarantee will no longer be valid I understand and agree
I don't understand
Return Policy: We request that adopter's contact us in the event they can no longer care for the rats. We will either take the rats back or find it a new home. Please check yes if you agree to contact us and agree to not sell the rat, and agree to not send it to a rescueYes
It may take me a few days to get in contact with you (I cant take care of rats if I am on the computer all day) please check the box that you've read this
I like to know as much as I can about the people who are interested in my rats. Please use this box to tell me anything you want to about yourself :-)